Nylon Rosin Filter Bag - Nylon Rosin Filter Bag

Nylon Rosin Filter Bag, Wholesale Nylon Rosin Filter Bag manufaturer.

COX Manufacturer Wholesale Filter Bag with lower cost!

Duomenų lapas 3x6 Inch  Nylon Rosin Filter Bags and paper Rosin Press 3x6 Inch  Nylon Rosin Filter Bags and paper Rosin Press

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Name: 3×6 Inch Monofilament Nylon Rosin Filter Bags And Paper Rosin Press Size: 3 * 6 Inch
Type: Pocket Filter Application: Rosin Tech Press Filter
Filter Rating: 99% Usage: Liquid Filter
Material: 100% Nylon Monofilament: Yes
Micron: 25,37,75,90,120,160um
High Light: liquid filter bag, tea filter bags

3×6 Inch Monofilament Nylon Rosin Filter Bags And Paper Rosin Press

Description of nylon mesh bag

The micron can be as your wish.for example .

15 micron,25micron, 37 micron, 45 micron, 73 micron, 90 micron, 120 micron, 160 micron, 190 micron, 220 micron. or others

The packing we usually can make every 10 pieces /25 pieces/50pieces/100pieces to a Ziplock plastic bags,it is depends on your requirement.You also can choose other kind of bags such like paper bags,or color box.

We also can customize the label for you ,with your own design and your company logo.

We also can customize the outside carton box ,as long as you make a big order.

Feature ofNylon Rosin Filter Bags

Stitched L-shaped rectangular shape
Filtration of plant matter from rosin during pressing
Create clean extracts without using any chemicals or solvents
Powerful stitching design helps prevent breakage and bursts
Heat resistant nylon, rated for temperatures up to 300°F / 150°C
No dye

Application ofNylon Rosin Filter Bags

1. Uses: liquid filter, dust filter, oil filter, tea filter, nut milk filter, air filter, juice filter, coffee filter, rosin pressure filter, etc.

2. No accumulation, no absorption or retention of extracted oil

3. It can be used, it can be recycled and it is easy to clean.

4. The screen allows essential oil to pass while maintaining the separation of unwanted materials.

Parameter ofNylon Rosin Filter Bags

Fabric number Tinklų skaičius Thread diameter Tinklo atidarymas Opening Storis Weight
No. cm inch vienas mikronų % vienas g/m2
JPP4 4 10 550 1950 61 950 262
JPP5 5 12 500 1500 56 850 271
JPP6 6 16 400 1267 58 780 208
JPP7 7 18 350 1079 57 675 186
JPP8 8 20 350 900 52 685 212
JPP9 9 24 250 861 60 455 145
JPP10 10 25 300 700 49 576 195
JPP12 12 30 250 583 49 470 162
12 30 300 533 41 585 234
JPP14 14 35 250 464 42 470 190
JPP16 16 40 200 425 46 370 139
16 40 250 375 36 485 217
JPP20 20 50 150 350 49 375 98
20 50 200 300 36 385 173
JPP24 24 60 150 267 41 285 117
JPP28 28 70 120 237 44 215 87
JPP30 30 76 120 213 41 225 94
JPP32 32 80 100 213 46 165 69
JPP36 36 90 100 178 41 178 78
JPP40 40 100 100 150 36 190 87
JPP43 43 110 80 152 43 135 60
JPP48 48 120 80 128 38 145 62
JPP56 56 140 61 118 44 85 44
JPP59 59 150 61 109 41 98 46
JPP64 64 160 61 95 37 105 50
JPP72 72 180 50 89 41 82 39
JPP80 80 200 50 75 36 90 43
JPP100 100 250 43 57 32 65 35
JPP120 120 305 43 40 23 70 42
JPP130 130 330 43 34 20 75 45
JPP140 140 355 38 33 21 67 48
JPP150 150 380 38 29 19 68 51
JPP165 165 420 35 26 18 62 47



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Nylon Rosin Filter Bag Tags : , ,

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