حقيبة فلتر بيمو - PEMU Filter Bag

PEMU Filter Bag, Wholesale PEMU Filter Bag manufaturer.

Polyester Multifilament Mesh Liquid Filter Bags
سائل صناعة كوكس أكياس مرشح PEMU حدد شبكة مرشح بوليستر متعددة الشعيرات من النوع المنسوج عالي الجودة. تتميز أكياس فلتر PEMU بميزة التدفق العالي وانخفاض الضغط المنخفض، وهي الخيار الأول لوسائط الترشيح لترشيح السطح.

Polyester Multifilament filter bags(PEMU) are suitable for surface filtration and available in a broad range (100 to 2000 micron). PEMU filter bags remove effectively solid particles larger than the filtration rating.

أكياس تصفية PEMU المواصفات التفصيلية حقيبة فلتر بيمو

أكياس فلتر شبكة PEMU توفير كفاءة إزالة جيدة للملوثات غير القابلة للتشوه ويمكن إعادة استخدامها. تتوفر أكياس مرشح السوائل الشبكية متعددة الشعيرات من البوليستر في أنواع عمليات التصنيع ومواد الرقبة: المقبض، والدرزات، والعكس، ومواد الرقبة متوفرة دائمًا في الفولاذ المجلفن، والفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ، وPP، والمزيد. تعتبر PEMU FILTER BAG الخيار الأول لتطبيقات الترشيح الصناعية.

حقيبة فلتر بيمو is a high-quality filtration solution designed to meet the kinds demand of industries. With its exceptional performance, durability, and cost-effectiveness, PEMU Filter Bag has gained popularity among businesses seeking reliable filtration solutions.

أحجام أكياس شبكة مرشح PEMU

No. 1# filter bag 2# filter bag 3# filter bag 4# filter bag
مقاس 7”×17” 7”×32” 4”×8” 4”×14”
مادة Polyester Multifilament Mesh Liquid Filter Bags
حرفة Sewing, Welded
مادة الحلقة العلوية Plastic, Stainless steel, String, Steel
تقييم ميكرون 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500,1000μm
التعبئة كرتون مع فيلم بلاستيكي

حقيبة فلتر بيمو Features:
1. Superior Filtration Efficiency: PEMU Filter Bag is engineered to provide exceptional filtration efficiency, ensuring the removal of even the finest particles from various liquids and gases. Its high-quality materials and precise manufacturing processes make it resistant to wear, tear, and chemical corrosion.

2. Wide Range of Applications: PEMU Filter Bag is a versatile product suitable for a wide range of applications. It can be used in industries such as water treatment, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, chemicals, and many more. Its adaptability makes it an ideal choice for businesses operating in diverse sectors.

3. Customizable Design: PEMU Filter Bag offers customization options to meet specific filtration requirements. Businesses can choose from a variety of sizes, materials, and micron ratings to achieve the desired level of filtration. This flexibility ensures that each PEMU Filter Bag is tailored to deliver optimal performance for individual applications.

Benefits of PEMU Filter Bag:
1. Improved Filtration Efficiency: The advanced design and high-quality materials of PEMU Filter Bag ensure efficient filtration, resulting in cleaner and purer end products. This not only enhances the quality of goods produced but also reduces the risk of contamination and improves overall process efficiency.

2. Cost-Effectiveness: PEMU Filter Bag is a cost-effective filtration solution compared to other alternatives. Its long-lasting durability and high filtration efficiency minimize the need for frequent replacements, saving both time and money for businesses.

3. Environmental Sustainability: PEMU Filter Bag is designed with environmental sustainability in mind. The use of eco-friendly materials ensures minimal impact on the environment. Additionally, its efficient filtration capabilities contribute to reducing waste and improving overall sustainability practices.

حقيبة فلتر بيمو is a reliable and efficient filtration solution that offers superior performance and cost-effectiveness. Its customizable design and wide range of applications make it suitable for various industries. With PEMU Filter Bag, you can achieve cleaner, purer, and high-quality end products, while also contributing to environmental sustainability.

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