Replacement 3M DF Filter Cartridge - Replacement 3M DF Filter Cartridge

Replacement 3M DF Filter Cartridge, Wholesale Replacement 3M DF Filter Cartridge manufaturer.

ONLY replacement 3M DF Filter Cartridge available here.
COX’s replace 3M DF filter cartridges are essential components of industrial filtration systems that help remove impurities from liquids such as water, chemicals, and industrial solvents. These cartridges can be used in a range of industries, from food and beverage production to pharmaceuticals and petrochemicals. In this post, we will explore what DF filter cartridges are, how they work, and some of the benefits they offer.

Оригинален номер на част Original Style No. Filteration Rate Дължина Filter Material Cap Material
70020003359 DFG001PP1R 1 Micron 14.3 in. ПП ПП
70020003367 DFG001PP2R 1 Micron 27.8 in. ПП ПП
70020003375 DFG005PP1C 5 Micron 14.3 in. ПП ПП
70020003383 DFG005PP1R 5 Micron 14.3 in. ПП ПП
70020003391 DFG005PP2C 5 Micron 27.8 in. ПП ПП
70020003409 DFG005PP2R 5 Micron 27.8 in. ПП ПП
70020003417 DFG010PP1C 10 Micron 14.3 in. ПП ПП
70020003425 DFG010PP1R 10 Micron 14.3 in. ПП ПП
70020003433 DFG010PP2C 10 Micron 27.8 in. ПП ПП
70020003441 DFG010PP2R 10 Micron 27.8 in. ПП ПП
70020003458 DFG025PP1C 25 Micron 14.3 in. ПП ПП
70020003466 DFG025PP1R 25 Micron 14.3 in. ПП ПП
70020003474 DFG025PP2C 25 Micron 27.8 in. ПП ПП
70020003482 DFG050PP1C 50 Micron 14.3 in. ПП ПП
70020003490 DFG050PP1R 50 Micron 14.3 in. ПП ПП
70020003508 DFG050PP2C 50 Micron 27.8 in. ПП ПП
70020003516 DFG100PP1C 100 Micron 14.3 in. ПП ПП
70020003524 DFG100PP1R 100 Micron 14.3 in. ПП ПП
70020003532 DFG100PP2C 100 Micron 27.8 in. ПП ПП
70020003540 DFG100PP2R 100 Micron 27.8 in. ПП ПП
70020038751 DFG001PP2C 1 Micron 27.8 in. ПП ПП
70020038934 DFG025PP2R 25 Micron 27.8 in. ПП ПП
70020038991 DFG050PP2R 50 Micron 27.8 in. ПП ПП

Maximum Operating Temperature 82° C (polypropylene) , 149° C (Polyester)

One of the benefits COX’s DF filter Cartridge is that they are versatile and can be customized to filter different types of liquids. For example, activated carbon DF filter cartridges are excellent at removing organic compounds such as pesticides, chlorine and industrial solvents from water. Ceramic DF filter cartridges, on the other hand, are better suited for removing bacteria and other microorganisms from liquids.
DF filter cartridges are designed to remove contaminants from liquids in a filtration system, such as suspended solids, bacteria, or other impurities. They are typically made of porous materials such as activated carbon or ceramic. The pores in these materials capture unwanted particles and prevent them from passing through the filter into the final product.

DF filter cartridges also come in different sizes and shapes, making them easy to use in a range of industrial filtration systems. They can be used for both point-of-use and point-of-entry filtration, depending on the needs of the user.

Another advantage of DF filter cartridges is that they are known for their longevity, making them a cost-effective option in the long run. They require minimal maintenance and have a long lifespan, so users can save money by not having to replace them frequently. And when it is time to replace the DF filter cartridges, the process is straightforward and easy.

DF filter cartridges are also popular for being eco-friendly. As they do not use any chemical additives or harsh solutions during the filtration process, they are safe to use and do not harm the environment. Moreover, they are recyclable, and the materials used in DF filter cartridges can be safely disposed of, reducing the impact on the environment.

DF filter cartridges have numerous applications in various industries. In the food and beverage industry, for example, they are used to filter impurities such as sediments, chlorine, and bacteria from water used in the production process. In the pharmaceutical industry, DF filter cartridges are used to filter the active ingredients in medicines, ensuring their purity, which a critical component when producing pharmaceutical products as it is necessary to maintain the quality standards.

DF filter cartridges are also widely used in the petrochemical industry. Large refineries use filtration systems to remove impurities during the refining process, such as sulfur, which can damage equipment and reduce the quality of the final product. DF filter cartridges can remove these impurities, saving time and money by preventing the need to replace equipment frequently.

In conclusion, DF filter cartridges are essential components of filtration systems that remove impurities from liquids. They are versatile, customizable, and easy to use, making them a popular choice in various industries. DF filter cartridges have numerous benefits, including their longevity, cost-effectiveness, eco-friendliness, customization, and versatile applications. Because they are safe, effective, and long-lasting, DF filter cartridges are a smart investment for any industry that requires high-quality filtration systems.

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