5 mikron nylon filterpose - 5 Micron Nylon Filter Bag

5 Micron Nylon Filter Bag, Wholesale 5 Micron Nylon Filter Bag manufaturer.

5 Micron Nylon Filter Bags

Nylon filter bag is supported by an inner wire basket inside the bag filtration system. The fluid flows out after filtering through the bag, so the impurity is intercepted in the filter bag.

5 Micron PA(Nylon) Filter Bag Sizes

No. 1# filter bag 2# filter bag 3# filter bag 4# filter bag
Størrelse 7”×17” 7”×32” 4”×8” 4”×14”
Materials Nylon(PA, NMO) filter mesh screen
Håndværk Sewing, Welded
Top-ring materiale Plastic, Stainless steel, String, Steel
Micron Rating 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 400, 500,1000μm
Pakning Karton med plastfolie

5 Micron Nylon Filter Bag Design

PA Bag Top Sealing available with a ring top (galvanized steel, stainless steel, or polypropylene), Plastic Flange (collar).

Top with handles molded in, Drawstring or “tie-on” Top. Ring Bags can have optional handles or pull tabs sewn in to ease filter bag removal. Both Ring and Flange Top Bags fit a wide variety of filter bag housings. Tie-on and Blank Top Bags are used in filtration systems without filter housings and are available in an enormous variety of shapes and sizes.

5 micron Nylon Filter Bag Plastic ring

Item Sizes Price Description Inquiry
NMO5P1P 7″X16″ $$.$$ Sizes 4# 5 micron Nylon Filter Bag plastic ring Enquiry NMO5P1P
NMO5P2P 7″X32″ $$.$$ Sizes 4# 5 micron Nylon Filter Bag plastic ring Enquiry NMO5P2P
NMO5P3P 4″X9″ $.$$ Sizes 4# 5 micron Nylon Filter Bag plastic ring Enquiry NMO5P3P
NMO5P4P 4″X15″ $.$$ Sizes 4# 5 micron Nylon Filter Bag plastic ring Enquiry NMO5P4P

5 micron Nylon Filter Bag stainless steel ring

Item Sizes Price Description Inquiry
NMO5P1SS 7″X16″ $$.$$ Sizes 1# 5 micron Nylon Filter Bag stainless steel ring Enquiry NMO5P1SS
NMO5P2SS 7″X32″ $$.$$ Sizes 2# 5 micron Nylon Filter Bag stainless steel ring Enquiry NMO5P2SS
NMO5P3SS 4″X9″ $.$$ Sizes 3# 5 micron Nylon Filter Bag stainless steel ring Enquiry NMO5P3SS
NMO5P4SS 4″X15″ $.$$ Sizes 4# 5 micron Nylon Filter Bag stainless steel ring Enquiry NMO5P4SS

5 micron Nylon Filter Bag steel ring

Item Sizes Price Description Inquiry
NMO5P1S 7″X16″ $$.$$ Sizes 1# 5 micron Nylon Filter Bag steel ring Enquiry NMO5P1S
NMO5P2S 7″X32″ $$.$$ Sizes 2# 5 micron Nylon Filter Bag steel ring Enquiry NMO5P2S
NMO5P3S 4″X9″ $.$$ Sizes 3# 5 micron Nylon Filter Bag steel ring Enquiry NMO5P3S
NMO5P4S 4″X15″ $.$$ Sizes 4# 5 micron Nylon Filter Bag steel ring Enquiry NMO5P4S

5 Micron Nylon Filter Bag Advantage

Nylon filter bag most needed micron ratings available 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 400, 50,1000μm
All industry standard and custom sizes available
Nylon filter bags have High flow/low pressure drop media
Surface-retention filtration
Nylon filter bags have wide chemical compatibility
Nylon filter bag Sewn construction:
Handles standard on all bags
Choice of steel ring, plastic ring or molded plastic flange

5 Micron Nylon Filter Bag Tags : , ,

3 svar på “5 Micron Nylon Filter Bag”

  1. Kis siger:

    Glad cooperation with COX. Good service, high quality.

  2. Henry siger:

    The nylon filter bag arrival in good condition. Thanks for your support.

  3. William\ siger:

    Quality bag received. Will purchase more in the future

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