POG200PC1SH, Wholesale POG200PC1SH manufaturer.
Water Filtration | Bag Filters | Sewn Liquid Bag Filter, Polypropylene Felt, 9Dia. X 20L, 200 Micron, Standard Steel Ring – Pkg Qty 50 | B1125826
Sewn Liquid Bag Filter, Polypropylene Felt, 9Dia. X 20L, 200 Micron, Standard Steel Ring – Pkg Qty 50
Sewn Liquid Bag Filter, Polypropylene Felt, 9″Dia. X 20″L, 200 Micron, Standard Steel RingConstructed using 100% synthetic fibers in polypropylene. The proper combination of fiber diameters,weights and thicknesses result in an economical depth filter media. Polypropylene and Polyester materials meet FDAregulations for food contact under CFR21, Section 177.1520.
Produktuaren zehaztapenak:
MOTA | Sewn Liquid Bag Filter |
POLTSAREN ERAIKUNTZA | Polypropylene Felt |
ERAZTUEN ERAIKUNTZA | Altzairuzko Eraztun Estandarra |
MARKA | COX Filter Tech |
PISUA LBS | 0.41 |
MIKRONAK | 200 |
BARNE | Heldulekua |
likidorako poltsa-iragazkia ★ mikrometroko iragazkien poltsa ★ 0.2 mikra poltsa iragazkia ★ 500 mikra poltsa iragazkia ★ aquarium filter sock material ★ eaton bag filter 5 micron ★ akuarioko iragazki poltsak mikra ★ pp filter bags ★ akuarioko putzu iragazkien poltsak ★ 1 mikra absolutua iragazki poltsa ★ micron azpiko iragazki poltsa ★ nylonezko iragazki-poltsak lokarriekin ★ 90 mikra poltsa iragazkia ★ poltsa-iragazkia likidoa iragazteko ★ likido iragazkien poltsa ★ 5 mikra poliesterrezko iragazkia poltsa ★ poliesterrezko sare iragazkien poltsa ★ akuarioko iragazki poltsa ★ 10 micron filter bag ★ 400 micron mesh filter bag ★ 0.5 micron filter bag ★ 100 micron mesh filter bag ★ 125 micron filter bag ★ accufit soldatutako likido-iragazkia poltsa ★ 200 micron filter bag ★ mikra poltsak hasherako ★ poliester orratz sentitu iragazkien poltsak ★ nylonezko iragazki poltsa fabrikatzaileak ★ aquarium filter bio bag ★ aquarium filter sock holder ★
Sewn Liquid Bag Filter, Polypropylene Felt, 9Dia. X 20L, 200 Micron, Standard Steel Ring – Pkg Qty 50
PE-100P1-P ★ PP-150-P4-P ★ PE-75P1S ★ PE75P4S ★ PP-150P4P ★ PE-200P5P ★ PE-20P6S ★ NMO-1P3S ★ PE-125-P5-SS- ★ PP-1P4P ★ PE75P4P ★ PE-50P3SS- ★ PP-25P1P ★ NMO-125-P2-S ★ PP-20P1P ★ PE-75-P2-P ★ PE-1P2-S ★ PE-50P3-S ★ NMO-100P3P ★ PP-1P1SS- ★ PE-1P2-P ★ PE125P6SS ★ NMO-25-P5-SS- ★ SS-75P1-SS- ★ PE-125-P1-P ★ PP125P2SS ★ PP-25P3S ★ PP-100P3SS- ★ PE-10P4-SS- ★ PP-100-P4-S ★ SS-75-P1-SS- ★ NMO-150P5SS- ★ PP-150P2-S ★ PP-20P3-S ★ PP-25P3P ★ NMO-1P2-SS- ★ PE-20P4S ★ PP-75P1-S ★ PP-75P3SS- ★ PP-50P1-S ★
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