Bag Filter Housing, Wholesale Bag Filter Housing manufaturer.
Hale Kānana ʻeke as a filter element, be suitable for a precision filter, and wiping off the impurities in liquid. As a comparison with cartridge filter, mass flow, rapid operation, Low material cost, is at a distinct advantage. For the viscous liquid, be suited to use the bag filter. * Bag filter is designed as per the standard of pressure vessel.
SS304 and SS316L are widly use for bag filter housing to match high performance filter bag in all kinds of materials, structures, filter precision. Be suitable for a most requirement of precision filtration. The design of product be humanized, and the product has an excellent corrosion resistance, safety and reliability, good sealing and durability.
Hale Kānana ʻeke always including Top Inlet , Side Inlet, plastic bag filter, Multi-Bag Filter.
Application: Applicable industries: Fine Chemicals Filtration, Adhesive Filtration, Water treatment, Paint Filtration, Papermaking, Automobile industry, Ink Filtration, Chemicals Filtration, semiconductors , Electronic Industry, Petrochemical,Petrochemicals Filtration, Edible Oil Filtration, Coating, Solvent Filtration, Electron, etc.
Top Inlet, Bottom Outlet Bag Filter Housing:
Best sealing design suitable critical filtration demand.
Top Inlet, Bottom outlet: When the filter liquor running from high to low position, The liquor can stay stable from the turbulence, make full use of the filtration efficiency and extended service life of the filter bag. The bolt is monoblock casted, can bear high pressure.
Product Description:
Model |
Max Flow (m3/h) |
20 |
40 |
5 |
10 |
Filtration Area (m2) |
0.25 |
0.5 |
0.05 |
0.1 |
Operating data |
Max.10 bar /120℃ respectively 16bar/30℃ |
Filter housing volume (litre) |
15.5 |
27.0 |
2.0 |
4.0 |
Installation height (mm) |
Approx.850 |
Approx.1120 |
Approx.335 |
Approx.445 |
Filter housing weight (kg) |
Approx.32 |
Approx.40 |
Approx.8 |
Approx.12 |
Connection Type (inlet/outlet) |
2” Flange |
1” NPT |
Top Inlet bag filter housings are designed to offering safety filter bags sealing. It is suitable for high demand specification filtration process. We use precision casting head to reduce pressure loss. Top Inlet bag filter Top-inlet design, less turbulent flow, better filter efficiency and service life, making the basically consistent fluid distribution, the filter bag is less negatively affected by turbulence, good filtering effect and long service life. Bag Filter proved to be most effective in following applications due to easy handling and cost effective as compared to other traditional system.
Top Inlet, Bottom Outlet Bag Filter Housing:
Ordering Code:
Example:COX-T- E-01-02-D-50-E represents, 304 material, Top Inlet filter housing, 1pc, sizes 2# filter bags, interface standard DIN, DN50 inlet and outlet, EPDM material sealing ring
COX-XX: XX: EC= Economic (without mounting legs), T = Top Inlet, S = Side Inlet
Default Design Pressure: 10 bar/(145 psi)
Material |
Filter Bag Qty. |
Filter Bag Sizes |
Connection |
Inlet/Outlet |
Gasket |
E |
01 |
02 |
F |
50 |
E |
E= 304 |
01=1pc |
01=1# Filter Bag |
F= Flange |
DN 50 (2″) |
S= 316L |
02=2# Filter Bag |
B = BSP |
03=3# Filter Bag |
A = ANSI |
V=Viton |
04=4# Filter Bag |
D = DIN |
S=Silicone |
Side inlet, again from the top inlet the filter bag design, automatic pressure, does not produce turbulence, reducing the loss of pressure, effective protection of the bag. The top cover is fully pressed and sealed, and the sealing effect is better.
Stabilizer blade, the installation size can be adjusted according to the requirements of the scene
– Monoblock cast of the top cover, compact structure, less resistance, easy to clean.
– Direct sealing from of the cover, ensure no leaking of the whole process, Best sealing design suitable critical filtration demand
– Precision casting head to reduce flow pressure loss
– Adjustable shelf, easy to install, Easy clean
– Cover firmly seals and holds the filter bag in place
– Superior bag sealing with no bypas
– Design according the ASME and CE standard.
фильтр ткань 10 микрон★
фильтр ткань 10 микрон★
фильтр ткань 10 микрон★
фильтр ткань 10 микрон★
støvsugerpose 10 micron★
filter ไมครอน★
10 mikron torba filtre★
filter ไมครอน★
tesatura filtru★
mikronske tkanine★
støvsugerpose 10 micron★
mikronske tkanine★
10 mikron torba filtre★
mikronske tkanine★
tesatura filtru★
filter ไมครอน★
støvsugerpose 10 micron★
filter ไมครอน★
tesatura filtru★
mikronske tkanine★
10 mikron torba filtre★
10 mikron torba filtre★
støvsugerpose 10 micron★
tesatura filtru★
10 micron doek★
filterationen im alltag★
mesh dan mikron pada filter★
mesh dan mikron pada filter★
filterationen im alltag★
filtro a sacco polvere 10 micron★
10 micron filterdoek★
filtro a sacco polvere 10 micron★
mesh dan mikron pada filter★
10 micron filterdoek★
filtr 1 micron workowy★
ฟิลเตอร์ pes★
filtro sacco 10 micron★
ฟิลเตอร์ pes★
filtr 1 micron workowy★
10 micron filterdoek★
filterationen im alltag★
filtr 1 micron workowy★
ฟิลเตอร์ pes★
saco filtro★
filtro sacco 10 micron★
micron luchtfilter zelf maken★
10 pes kumaş★
micron luchtfilter zelf maken★
filtro sacco 10 micron★
ถุงกรอง bag filter 10 ไมครอน★
tecido filtro★
10 micron doek★
ถุงกรอง bag filter 10 ไมครอน★
10 micron doek★
légszűrők 10 micron★
saco filtro★
tecido filtro★
légszűrők 10 micron★
10 pes kumaş★
saco filtro★
filtr 1 micron workowy★
ฟิลเตอร์ pes★
10 pes kumaş★
micron luchtfilter zelf maken★
légszűrők 10 micron★
ถุงกรอง bag filter 10 ไมครอน★
tecido filtro★
filtro a sacco polvere 10 micron★
micron luchtfilter zelf maken★
légszűrők 10 micron★
saco filtro★
10 micron filterdoek★
10 pes kumaş★
ถุงกรอง bag filter 10 ไมครอน★
tecido filtro★
maksud micron saringan★
bosses de tela personalitzades★
filtr workowy 10 mikron ów★
suodatin hienous mikroni★
poly mesh-tkanina★
tyger för soppåsar★
متى يتم وضع باج فلتر★
bosses de tela personalitzades★
torbalı toz tutucu filtrelerin (bag filter)★
pes stoff kvalitet★
perbedaan mesh dan micron pada filter★
filterduk 10micron★
bag filter/saringan★
filterduk 10micron★
ผ้า 10 ไมครอน★
filtr workowy 10 mikron ów★
pes stoff kvalitet★
perbedaan mesh dan micron pada filter★
filter (penyaring debu)★
ميكرون پارچه فيلتر★
ميكرون پارچه فيلتر★
levegőszűrő filter háló★
torbalı toz tutucu filtrelerin (bag filter)★
luftfilter micron★
10 mikronos szövet★
ผ้า 10 ไมครอน★
فلتر 10 ميكرون★
filter retainer★
bộ lọc 10 micron filter★
suodatin hienous mikronia★
filtr workowy 1 mikron ptfe★
ʻeke kānana micron★
kvalitet pes★
filtr workowy kosz★
filter bag ไมครอน★
tkanina 10 mikron★
mesh tyg luftfilter★
filter cloth 1 mikron★
filtertuch 10★
tkanina 10 mikronov★
10 mikron poşet★
suodatin hienous mikroni★
การกรอง(filtration) ในชีวิตประจำวัน★
mikronu maiss★
toz tutucu kumaş★
havalandırma filtresi kumaşı★
φιλτρα σκονης HVAC★
bag filter/saringan★
filter (penyaring debu)★
tissu filtrant 10 micron★
filtro ptfe 10 micron★
stof filterposer★
micron dla filtrów workowych★
luftfilter micron★
filtr koszyk workowy★
10 micron filtri tessuto★
หลักการระบบผ้ากรอง (bag filter)★
suodatin hienous mikronia★
bộ lọc 10 micron filter★
filtr workowy używany★
tecido para filtro★
micron dla filtrów workowych★
bag filter dan aplikasi penggunaan★
filter udara untuk 10 micron★
stof filterposer★
filtr do oleju 140MMDX310MML 10MICRON 02041-1169★
perbedaan mesh filter★
10 micron gaas★
which name of 10microns filtre in hvac★
bedanya mesh dan mikron★
perbedaan mikron dan mesh★
filter bag ứng dung★
levegőszűrő filter háló★
Kain saring 1 micron★
قماش 5 ميكرون★
mesh kangas pöly★
фильтры-мешки или фильтр пресс★
فلتر 10 ميكرون★
filtr workowy 1 mikron ptfe★
ʻeke kānana micron★
kvalitet pes★
filtr workowy kosz★
filter bag ไมครอน★
mesh tyg luftfilter★
การกรอง(filtration) ในชีวิตประจำวัน★
หลักการระบบผ้ากรอง (bag filter)★
filter retainer★
stoffen filterzakje★
10 micron filtri tessuto★
filtr koszyk workowy★
filtro ptfe 10 micron★
filtr siatkowy 10 mikronów do oleju★
filter 10 micron★
tyger för soppåsar★
worki na śmieci torbasi★
10 mikron yağ filtre bezi★
10 mikron filtre bezi★
filtro polveri 10 micron★
poly mesh-tkanina★
10ミクロン 布★
10 micron torba filtre★
apa perbedaan antara mesh dan mikron★
10 mikronos szövet★
maksud micron saringan★
micron pokar★
tkanina 10 mikronov★
filtertuch 10★
filter cloth 1 mikron★
متى يتم وضع باج فلتر★
micron och damm★
tissu filtrant 10 micron★
toz tutucu mikron filtreler★
پارچهای بگ فیلتر★
φιλτρα σκονης HVAC★
havalandırma filtresi kumaşı★
مش بگ فیلترها★
toz tutucu kumaş★
PES filter 10micron★
filter penyaring debu★
فیلتر پارچه ای مش★
پ پارچه ها ی فیلتر پرس★
mikronu maiss★
filter 10 micronคือ★
tkanina 10 mikron★
filtro polveri 10 micron★
10 mikron filtre bezi★
10 mikron yağ filtre bezi★
worki na śmieci torbasi★
10 mikron poşet★
filter 10 micronคือ★
پ پارچه ها ی فیلتر پرس★
فیلتر پارچه ای مش★
10 micron torba filtre★
apa perbedaan antara mesh dan mikron★
filter (penyaring debu)★
luftfilter micron★
suodatin hienous mikroni★
suodatin hienous mikronia★
tkanina 10 mikron★
filter cloth 1 mikron★
filtertuch 10★
tkanina 10 mikronov★
micron pokar★
filter penyaring debu★
PES filter 10micron★
bedanya mesh dan mikron★
which name of 10microns filtre in hvac★
10 micron gaas★
perbedaan mesh filter★
filtr do oleju 140MMDX310MML 10MICRON 02041-1169★
filter udara untuk 10 micron★
bag filter dan aplikasi penggunaan★
tecido para filtro★
filtr workowy używany★
perbedaan mikron dan mesh★
filter bag ứng dung★
مش بگ فیلترها★
پارچهای بگ فیلتر★
toz tutucu mikron filtreler★
10ミクロン 布★
micron och damm★
filter 10 micron★
filtr siatkowy 10 mikronów do oleju★
قماش 5 ميكرون★
Kain saring 1 micron★
mesh kangas pöly★
filtr workowy używany★
filtr workowy 1 mikron ptfe★
bộ lọc 10 micron filter★
فلتر 10 ميكرون★
การกรอง(filtration) ในชีวิตประจำวัน★
10 micron filtri tessuto★
filtr koszyk workowy★
micron dla filtrów workowych★
ʻeke kānana micron★
kvalitet pes★
mesh kangas pöly★
фильтры-мешки или фильтр пресс★
stoffen filterzakje★
filter retainer★
หลักการระบบผ้ากรอง (bag filter)★
mesh tyg luftfilter★
filter bag ไมครอน★
filtr workowy kosz★
stof filterposer★
filtro ptfe 10 micron★
tissu filtrant 10 micron★
filterduk 10micron★
bosses de tela personalitzades★
levegőszűrő filter háló★
ميكرون پارچه فيلتر★
perbedaan mesh dan micron pada filter★
pes stoff kvalitet★
filtr workowy 10 mikron ów★
torbalı toz tutucu filtrelerin (bag filter)★
ผ้า 10 ไมครอน★
maksud micron saringan★
10 mikronos szövet★
φιλτρα σκονης HVAC★
havalandırma filtresi kumaşı★
toz tutucu kumaş★
mikronu maiss★
متى يتم وضع باج فلتر★
tyger för soppåsar★
poly mesh-tkanina★
bag filter/saringan★
фильтры-мешки или фильтр пресс★
suodatin hienous mikroni★
10 mikron yağ filtre bezi★
worki na śmieci torbasi★
10 mikron poşet★
filter 10 micronคือ★
پ پارچه ها ی فیلتر پرس★
فیلتر پارچه ای مش★
filter penyaring debu★
PES filter 10micron★
10 mikron filtre bezi★
filtro polveri 10 micron★
suodatin hienous mikronia★
tkanina 10 mikron★
filter cloth 1 mikron★
filtertuch 10★
tkanina 10 mikronov★
micron pokar★
apa perbedaan antara mesh dan mikron★
10 micron torba filtre★
مش بگ فیلترها★
tecido para filtro★
پارچهای بگ فیلتر★
10 micron gaas★
perbedaan mesh filter★
filtr do oleju 140MMDX310MML 10MICRON 02041-1169★
filter udara untuk 10 micron★
bag filter dan aplikasi penggunaan★
tecido para filtro★
filtr workowy używany★
mesh kangas pöly★
фильтры-мешки или фильтр пресс★
which name of 10microns filtre in hvac★
bedanya mesh dan mikron★
toz tutucu mikron filtreler★
10ミクロン 布★
micron och damm★
filter 10 micron★
filtr siatkowy 10 mikronów do oleju★
قماش 5 ميكرون★
Kain saring 1 micron★
filter bag ứng dung★
perbedaan mikron dan mesh★
stoffen filterzakje★
stoffen filterzakje★
การกรอง(filtration) ในชีวิตประจำวัน★
10 micron filtri tessuto★
filtr koszyk workowy★
micron dla filtrów workowych★
stof filterposer★
filtro ptfe 10 micron★
tissu filtrant 10 micron★
فلتر 10 ميكرون★
bộ lọc 10 micron filter★
filter retainer★
หลักการระบบผ้ากรอง (bag filter)★
mesh tyg luftfilter★
filter bag ไมครอน★
filtr workowy kosz★
kvalitet pes★
ʻeke kānana micron★
filtr workowy 1 mikron ptfe★
φιλτρα σκονης HVAC★
havalandırma filtresi kumaşı★
toz tutucu kumaş★
ميكرون پارچه فيلتر★
perbedaan mesh dan micron pada filter★
pes stoff kvalitet★
filtr workowy 10 mikron ów★
torbalı toz tutucu filtrelerin (bag filter)★
ผ้า 10 ไมครอน★
bag filter/saringan★
filter (penyaring debu)★
levegőszűrő filter háló★
bosses de tela personalitzades★
mikronu maiss★
متى يتم وضع باج فلتر★
tyger för soppåsar★
poly mesh-tkanina★
10 mikronos szövet★
maksud micron saringan★
filterduk 10micron★
luftfilter micron★
Bag Filter Housing Tags : ʻEke Kānana Nylon, ʻEke kānana polyester, ʻEke Kāna PP
Waiho i ka pane