LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag - LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag

LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag, Wholesale LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag manufaturer.

LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag is a specially designed filter bag that can effectively absorb oil contaminants present in wastewater, industrial effluent, and other liquids. The filter bag is made using advanced technology and high-quality materials to ensure maximum efficiency and durability.

LCR-500 Oil Removal filter bag

Data Sheet LCR-500 Oil Removal filter bag LCR-500 Oil Removal filter bag

LCR 500 Filter Bags have low initial pressure drop, High efficiency of filtration > 90%. Multi layers of construction enlarge surface area. Oil Adsorption Filter Bags are effective in water, inks, paints (including E-Coat systems), and other process fluids.

ការពិពណ៌នា Size No. Diameter Length Flow Rate Max. Temp Suggested changeout D/P
កាបូបតម្រង LCR 500 # 02 7″ / 180mm 32″ / 810mm 25 m3/h 80℃ 0.8-1.5bar

The LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag is widely used in various industries like chemical processing, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, and others where water or liquid contamination is a major concern. In this post, we will discuss the key features and benefits of using LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag for your industrial filtration needs.
LCR 500 filter bag made by kinds layers PP melt blown microfiber filter media which have great chemical resistance. 100% PP media contain no silicone oil, ideally for application in automotive paint and coating industry. COX Absorbing filter bag offer > 90% efficient at the real application rating.

LCR (សម្ភារៈកាបូប) —-522 (ការវាយតម្លៃមីក្រូន µm) — T (ស្រទាប់គម្របកាបូប) —-02 (ទំហំកាបូប) —-E (ប្រភេទ Coller/Ring)

Replacement Original Part Number ការពិពណ៌នា ការវាយតម្លៃមីក្រូន @ 99% ទំហំកាបូប
F5870009 LCR-522-T02Z ២.៦ #02 (7"x32") Inquiry LCR-522 Filter Bag F5870009
F5870019 LCR-525-T02Z #02 (7"x32") Inquiry LCR-525 Filter Bag F5870019
F5870029 LCR-527-T02Z ១៣ #02 (7"x32") Inquiry LCR-527Filter Bag F5870029
F5870039 LCR-529-T02Z ៣២ #02 (7"x32") Inquiry LCR-529 Filter Bag F5870039

High Oil Absorption Capacity

The LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag has a high oil absorption capacity, making it an ideal choice for removing oil and other hydrocarbons from wastewater or liquid. The filter bag is made using a unique blend of fibers that can efficiently absorb the oil-based compounds, leaving clean and purified water or liquid.

The filter bag’s high oil absorption capacity can help you save a considerable amount of money by minimizing the need for frequent filter changes and reducing the overall maintenance cost of the filtration system.

Excellent Filtration Efficiency

The LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag has excellent filtration efficiency as it can effectively remove oil, grease, and other contaminants that standard filters cannot remove. The filter bag’s microporous surface captures the contaminants, preventing them from passing into the downstream system.

The filter’s design is such that it can improve the overall filtration process, ensure a clean final product, and reduce product losses due to contamination.

Bag Style Filter Bag Size Particle Size Removal Efficiency
>90% >95% >99%
LCR-522 #02 (7"x32") 3
LCR-525 #02 (7"x32") ១០
LCR-527 #02 (7"x32") ១៣ ១៥
LCR-529 #02 (7"x32") ២៥ 28 ៣០

Durable and High-Quality Construction

The LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag is designed to last for an extended period, reducing your overall cost of ownership. The filter bag is made using high-quality materials that can withstand harsh chemicals and high temperature.

The filter bag’s construction is such that it can maintain its structural integrity and performance even in high-pressure applications. The filter bag’s durable construction also eliminates the need for frequent change-outs, saving time and money.

Easy to Install and Replace

The LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag is designed for easy installation and replacement. The filter bag’s unique design allows for quick and simple installation, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.

The filter bag’s easy replacement feature eliminates the need for a specialized technician or a large maintenance team, reducing the overall maintenance cost and improving the filtration system’s efficiency.

Environmentally Friendly

The LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag is environmentally friendly as it can effectively remove oil contaminants from wastewater during the filtration process. This ensures that the water or liquid discharged from the industrial unit is clean and free from harmful pollutants.

The filter bag’s environmentally friendly feature can help industries comply with local and global environmental regulations, making it an ideal choice for sustainable industrial operations.

Final Thoughts

The LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag is an effective and efficient solution for removing oil and other hydrocarbons from wastewater and other liquids. The filter bag’s high oil absorption capacity, excellent filtration efficiency, durable construction, easy installation and replacement, and environmentally friendly features make it an ideal choice for various industrial applications.

By using the LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag in your industrial filtration system, you can ensure a clean and purified final product, reduce maintenance cost and downtime, comply with environmental regulations, and achieve sustainable industrial operations.

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