Mikrofiber PEMF filterpåse - Microfiber PEMF Filter Bag

Microfiber PEMF Filter Bag, Wholesale Microfiber PEMF Filter Bag manufaturer.

PEMF Microfiber Filter Bags’ have much more filtration surface area and dirt loading capacity than standard type. PEMF Microfiber Filter Bags have longer filter working service time, you do not need to be change bags as frequently, can saveing more labor cost and replacement filter bags’ cost. Microfiber materials provide high efficiencies at low micron ratings. Multi-layer technology results in true graded-density filtration, delivering significantly increased loading capacities and lower overall filtration costs.

These PEMF Microfiber Filter Bags can reducing downtime and down total operating costs. Our liquid filter bags use Microfiber Polyester filter material for a broad chemical compatibility, suitable for a wide range of industrial applications. PEMF Microfiber Filter BagsCOX High Effciency Microfiber PEMF filter bags meets the most stringent needs for fine process, hydraulic fluid, and lubricant filtration. All PEMF Filter Bag made of unique microfiber materials, designed to increase the efficiency and dirt-holding capacities.

COX ENVIRONMENT’s Microfiber PEMF Filter Bag style available in kinds filtraton rate, sizes, neck materials.
Datablad tillverkare av oljefilterpåsar i PGF-serien tillverkare av oljefilterpåsar i PGF-serien

Product Number
Suggested Application Rating
0.5 micron
1 micron
2.5 micron
10 micron
25 micron
90 micron

The PEMF Microfiber Filter Bag provides outstanding performance on contaminant applications where the minimalization of particle travel is important.
Microfiber PEMF Filter materials provide high efficiencies at low micron ratings. Multi-layer technology results in true graded-density filtration, delivering significantly increased loading capacities and lower overall filtration costs.
The PEMF Filter Bag contains three layers: a pre-filtering layer that removes coarse debris, PEMF Filter Bags High Filtration using a single layer of microfiber material. Excellent for general polishing applications with low dirt load.
The primary layer, composed of micro pores (for efficient particle retention); and an outer cover that prevents fiber migration. The extractible free fibers are non-foaming, which is ideal for food, beverage, water, chemicals and coatings applications.

High Efficiency PEMF Filter Bag with multiple layers of microfiber material and pre-filtration layers. Has 4 times the dirt holding capacity of the PEMF series bags.

PEMF Filter Bags Features:
High Efficiency PEMF Microfiber Filter Bag Materials
Pure melt blown PP construction without using resins, binders or surface treatments.
PEMF Filter bags are designed with inner coarse filtration surface and outer fine filtration surface. PEMF Filter Bag graded structure design ensures all impurities are retained.
PP microfiber filter bags are constructed from hydrophobic microfibers and prewet with water solution before use.
All Microfiber PEMF Filter Bags are made accordingly of FDA-compliant rules for use in food, beverage and harmaceutical applications.
Microfiber offers product cleanliness, higher through-put and longer service life.
Microfiber PEMF Filter Bags have wide chemical compatibility and suitable for various liquid filtration.
Silicone free felt media for paint and automotive applications.

Microfiber PEMF Filter Bag Tags : , , , , ,

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