POG10X01-WE - POG10X01-WE

POG10X01-WE, Wholesale POG10X01-WE manufaturer.

Water Filtration | Bag Filters | Welded Liquid Bag Filter, Polypropylene Felt, 6"D. X 22"L, 10 Micron, Plastic Flange – Pkg 50 – Pkg Qty 50 | B1125838

Welded Liquid Bag Filter, Polypropylene Felt, 6"D. X 22"L, 10 Micron, Plastic Flange – Pkg 50 – Pkg Qty 50

Welded Liquid Bag Filter, Polypropylene Felt, 6″Dia. X 22″L, 10 Micron, Plastic Flange Top – Pkg Qty 50Constructed using 100% synthetic fibers in polypropylene. The proper combination of fiber diameters,weights and thicknesses result in an economical depth filter media. Polypropylene and Polyester materials meet FDAregulations for food contact under CFR21, Section 177.1520.


数据表 Water Filtration | Bag Filters | Welded Liquid Bag Filter, Polypropylene Felt, 6"D. X 22"L, 10 Micron, Plastic Flange - Pkg  50 - Pkg Qty 50 | B1125838Water Filtration | Bag Filters | Welded Liquid Bag Filter, Polypropylene Felt, 6"D. X 22"L, 10 Micron, Plastic Flange - Pkg  50 - Pkg Qty 50 | B1125838 - COX Filter Tech


长度 英寸 22
直径英寸 6
类型 焊接液体袋式过滤器
袋子结构 聚丙烯毡
制造商零件编号 POG10X01-WE
重量磅 0.19
包装数量 50
微米 10
包括 无手柄
环形结构 塑料法兰顶部
品牌 COX过滤技术

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Welded Liquid Bag Filter, Polypropylene Felt, 6"D. X 22"L, 10 Micron, Plastic Flange – Pkg 50 – Pkg Qty 50




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